Welcome to H5Web

Explore and visualize data stored in HDF5 files. Try out our demos below!


h5grove is a Python package that helps design back-end solutions to serve HDF5 file contents (data, metadata, attributes).

This demo of H5Web communicates with a basic H5Grove server implementation. The following HDF5 files are available:

  • water_224.h5 (default) - a typical NeXus file with various real-world datasets to demonstrate H5Web’s core visualizations.
  • compressed.h5 - a file with datasets compressed with various filters to test decompression.
  • epics.h5 - a test file from the EPICS group (Argonne National Laboratory).
  • grove.h5 - a file designed to demonstrate the capabilities of H5GroveProvider; it contains datasets with NaN, Infinity, boolean and complex values, as well as RGB images and 4D stacks.
  • links.h5 - a file with external links, soft links and a virtual dataset to test link resolution.
  • sample.h5 - the file used to test H5GroveApi and H5WasmApi internally.
  • tall.h5 - the demo file of HSDS.


h5wasm is a WebAssembly-powered library, based on the HDF5 C API, for reading and writing HDF5 files from JavaScript.

This demo allows you to open any HDF5 files on your computer with H5Web. Note that if your files contain external links, they will not be resolved.

You can also provide the URL of a file hosted on a static server. For instance, try these files hosted on silx.org: water_224.h5, epics.h5, grove.h5, sample.h5, tall.h5

This demo may break at any time. For a more stable and featureful solution, please take a look at myHDF5 or H5Web’s VS Code extension.


HSDS is a back-end solution specialised in serving HDF5 files from object storage (AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, or OpenIO).

This demo communicates with an HSDS test server, which serves the same files as the H5Grove demo above: water_224.h5 (default), compressed.h5 (note that bitshuffle is not yet supported by HSDS), epics.h5, grove.h5, links.h5, tall.h5.

Mock data

This demo is used for development and automated testing purposes. It provides a good overview of H5Web’s functionalities, including the core visualizations and their toolbars, slicing and mapping of nD datasets, NeXus visualizations and default plot detection, RGB images, error handling, loading state, etc.